Thursday, August 2, 2007

In remembrance of the victims of the 35W Bridge Collapse...

I am still in too much shock to say much about this. I just wanted to express my grief and sorrow for the people who suffered from yesterday's catastrophe and those who are still suffering and in so many ways will continue to suffer the effects of this tragedy in the days, weeks, and years to come.

Watching the citizens of our community sacrifice their own safety to help out in a time of need made me realize that I love Minnesota, and once again, reminded me of how much I love America.

"The universal brotherhood of man is our most prized possession." -Mark Twain


Stacey Tovino said...

Antique Chic, do you go over that bridge to get home? I've never been on it so I had to look and see where it was on the map.

theantiquechic said...

Oh, no - I don't use it to go home. Actually, I rarely use it. It is just so sad, isn't it, to watch something like this unfold?

The SullaVinos: said...

Has the emesis (sp?) stopped being hyper yet?

theantiquechic said...

Thankfully, it's only once or twice a day, and sometimes (rarely) not at all, because of the medicine. I wish I were hyper. I need to get back on the caffeine. :D I tried to go to Home Depot and look at paint. I got down one aisle, started gagging, and had hubbie bring me home FAST. So unfortunately, I'm not "normal" right now. (Was I ever?) Thank you for asking, you sweetheart! How is Romey's over-the-road emesis?

The SullaVinos: said...

Well, it's still pretty hyper. However, we figured out one way to stop it. If Eric drives HIS truck, and I sit in the front passenger seat AND hold Romey in my lap WITH both the air conditioning on and the window open, he WON'T throw up. Any deviation from this -- he throws up. Fine, but this requires Eric and I to take him everywhere together, which is not always practical. :) Um, also, I can't believe you went to Home Depot without me??? That's only my favorite store.